Will Medical Aid Cover Repeat Prescription Consultations?

Avoiding co-payments, refilling meds and smarter GP and doctor visits – here’s what you need to know about medical aid cover for repeat prescription consultations in SA

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Repeat prescriptions are a vital tool doctors and medical aids use to help manage chronic conditions that need specific medications over the long term.

If you have a condition that requires long-term management, a doctor or GP can give you a prescription that you can take to the pharmacy and get refills – usually for up to 6 months – on your medication without having to see the doctor again.

But, every 6 months at least, you need to go back to the doctor to get a new repeat prescription.

So you do have to do a new consultation every 6 months.

The question is: Does your medical aid cover those repeat prescription consultations?

So, Will Medical Aid Cover Repeat Prescription Consultations?

In general, yes most medical aids do cover GP consults, including consultations to get another repeat prescription.

But it’s important to note that this will depend on your medical aid, package and usage terms.

Your medical aid might not cover your repeat prescription consultation if:

  • You’ve reached your maximum consultation limit
  • Your medical adi specifically excludes it (check the fine print)
  • Your savings account or day-to-day benefits limit is reached.

So be sure and check with your medical aid, first.

Something to Note: If Your Medical Aid Does Cover Repeat Prescription Consultations

Most medical aids will cover the consultation to get a new repeat prescription, but they often charge a co-payment.

Co-payments are an extra sum you need to pay directly to the doctor for the consultation, and they often catch people by surprise.

You see, what happens is, your medical aid sometimes only pays a portion of the cost, and you have to pay the rest out of your pocket.

This is fairly standard for most medical aids and doctors, except for our patients at Udok

The Best Way to Do a Consultation for a Repeat Prescription

Udok is by far the fastest, simplest and easiest way to see a doctor to get your repeat prescription re-issued – if it can be done by a GP (not a specialist).

Why? For starters: 

  1. Udok is instant and online, so you don’t even need to leave the house.
  2. There’s no waiting time, you see a doctor within minutes.
  3. The Udok network can send your script to your nearest pharmacy.
  4. Seeing a doctor via Udok is up to 40% cheaper than a normal doctor’s consult.
  5. Plus: With Udok you can pay with medical aid and no co-payments.

That’s right, Udok has some of the top doctors in SA doing online doctor consultations, and Udok lets you a doctor with your medical aid, without making a co-payment.

It’s simply the fastest and most convenient solution for repeat prescription consultations.

Note: This is only true if a GP can issue your prescription. If you were seeing a specialist, rather go back to your specialist doctor for repeat prescriptions.

How to Get a No-Co-Payment Repeat Prescription with Udok on Medical Aid

1. Head over to the Udok app

2. Select “register as a patient” – it’s free, forever.

3. Sign up with your name and email.

4. Then simply hit “request a consultation” and a doctor will see you instantly.

Be sure to select “medical aid” as your payment option to see a doctor with medical and no co-payment.

See why Udok is the fastest way to see a doctor, as well as how to get a prescription, and then discover your new family physician with our doctor near me service.

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Plus: No queues, no waiting, no travelling necessary. You can speak to one of the best doctors in South Africa right now, on your device – within 1 minute.

They can give you a prescription, sick note, advice & can even write referrals for lab tests – anything you need from the comfort of your home.

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