Health News: How Doctors Stay Healthy

This is how doctors stay healthy year round. Plus: Healthier moms mean healthier families, beating the sniffles & ultimate cancer prevention.

Ophthalmologist's Department

Healthier living? Apparently, it’s all about “walkable neighbourhoods”. A 30-year-long medical study of 14’000 women recently found that those who lived in areas where they could easily go for a safe walk were much less susceptible to breast cancer, obesity and a whole host of other obesity-related cancers and diseases. 

In this Newsletter

  • Right now: Why SA can’t wait any longer for better health solutions.
  • 7 Sneezing causes, caffeine for old age & how doctors prevent cancer.
  • Ultimate convenience: Tamzyn’s best doctor’s consult ever.
  • Healthy money: How to save 40% on doctor’s fees today.


The Fight for Better Health in South Africa

Research has shown that, all around the world, women (mothers, grandmothers, daughters) represent the cornerstone of the entire family’s health. It’s so important that the World Economic Forum recently said that women’s health might be the little-recognised cornerstone of our economies and societies.

And that’s why, in a country where, according to the National Treasury’s own calculations, 85% of people rely solely on public healthcare, we should be deeply concerned about women's access to healthcare.

Is South Africa prioritising our health?

Let’s be honest. Government has been cutting healthcare funding for a while now:

And it’s not helping that SA’s healthcare ministry is currently embroiled in a R1.2bn corruption scandal. Just another in a near-constant string of corruption reports are in the media.

The moral of this is: If women are already underserved by healthcare in SA, someone needs to do something to help improve healthcare access. And fast.

That is what Udok is all about

If you weren’t sure what we at Udok exactly do, or why we have online doctor’s consultations instead of normal, in-office consults, it’s because we can see that South Africa needs to spend A LOT more on medicine and infrastructure development – more than we can probably actually achieve in the next decade. So we made a plan… 

We bring the doctor to you

We do online doctor’s consults so you don’t have to wait for offices and hospitals to get built. You just log in and save yourself up to 40% of doctor’s fees, RIGHT NOW.


Bless you! Did you know there are 7 common causes of sneezing? There are also 7 common treatments and 5 things to look for, to know if your sneeze is serious enough to see a doctor. Learn more about what causes sneezing.

End of HIV? A new HIV vaccine is being trialled locally by US’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in South Africa, spurring hope of seeing a working vaccine in our lifetime.

Sixth taste. We might need to add a 6th sense of taste to the basic 5 (sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami) in textbooks as researchers found a supposedly unique new taste receptor.

Strong coffee. Don’t be too discouraged from drinking caffeine, as researchers in Singapore say that drinking caffeinated coffee and tea in midlife may help prevent frailty in old age.

Run when down. Depressed? Science says “run it away” as a new study comparing anti-depressants to running found that, though both are equally effective in treating depression, exercise had way more health benefits, while anti-depressants lead to worsened physical condition.

Doctor’s orders. Preventing cancer is something we all want to do. But apart from the obvious – wear sunscreen and don’t smoke – there are 9 extra things doctors do to prevent cancer


UItimate Convenience & Flexibility

“I recently had an amazing experience with a virtual consultation with Dr Melanie Kruger. She was professional, polite and thorough.

"The process was incredibly efficient and easy to navigate and the consultation was seamless from start to finish.

"What I appreciated most about the virtual consultation was the convenience and flexibility it provided. I didn't have to worry about travel time, parking, or any of the other logistical challenges that can come with an in-person visit. Instead, I was able to have a productive and valuable consultation from the comfort of my own home.

"Overall, I highly recommend Udok for anyone seeking an efficient and effective virtual consultation. Their expertise, professionalism, and commitment to patient care make them an excellent choice for anyone in need of medical advice or treatment. Thanks for a great service!”

– Tamzyn Crewe, Cape Town

Also learn: How to find a doctor near me.

The doctor will see you now

Save up to 40% on doctors' fees

Plus: No queues, no waiting, no travelling necessary. You can speak to one of the best doctors in South Africa right now, on your device – within 1 minute.

They can give you a prescription, sick note, advice & can even write referrals for lab tests – anything you need from the comfort of your home.

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