General medical consultations, family health and holistic/functional medicine. Dr Melanie Kruger is a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery qualified GP doctor in the Western Cape who practices exclusively via online consultations.

With an absolute passion for delivering the best outcomes, clear communication, confidentiality and mutual respect, Dr Melanie has helped patients discover even the trickiest underlying causes, to deliver treatments that make a lasting difference.

And the best part is that you can book an appointment with Dr Melanie Kruger no matter where you are in South Africa.

What inspired you to pursue a career in medicine?

I have always been inclined to want to help people and I have always been a good problem solver. This combination of skills with an added fascination for the human body and its functioning added up to a career in medicine.  

What areas of your speciality are you most passionate about?

I have a special interest in family medicine, holistic/functional medicine, allergology, dermatology/aesthetic medicine, women's health and sleep health and I am also fascinated by healthcare technology.

What do you believe is the most rewarding aspect of being a doctor?

Being there for a patient on one of the worst days of their life... and hopefully making it better is very rewarding. Positive outcomes for my patients definitely drive me to be a better doctor and person.

How do you make the healthcare experience more comfortable for patients who may have anxiety or fear related to medical visits?

Clear communication is key. Confidentiality and mutual respect are a given. Talking about what your patients' needs, fears and goals are and reassuring the patient of the steps in the process will ensure good rapport. There shouldn't be any surprises and boundaries should always be respected. 

Can you share a patient success story that was particularly memorable for you?

I had a young female patient who presented with a long history of severe fatigue, struggles to lose weight, acne, excessive hair growth and infertility. She then suddenly noted that one side of her face became paralysed. I suspected PCOS [Polycystic ovary syndrome] and did a full workup, that confirmed the diagnosis. 

I started relevant treatments and referred her for a specialist review too. I followed up with her a few months later, and barely recognised her – she looked and felt amazing! I really felt like I made a lasting difference. 

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in your field?

Continuous learning via reading articles, attending webinars, doing courses, certificates, and diplomas and discussing with like-minded and experienced peers is helpful to ensure that I stay updated with developments in the medical field. 

What's your philosophy on preventive care, and how do you work with patients to achieve it?

I strongly believe in practising preventative care. If you are aware of your risk of developing a condition or you are showing the early signs of such a condition, why not prevent complications by acting now? 

In most cases, the condition can then be prevented or reversed if picked up early. Good communication is key to detecting possible future conditions or subtle symptoms indicating the start of a medical condition... and then addressing it before it causes problems.

Apart from your profession, what hobbies or interests do you pursue?

I enjoy painting, reading, listening to music, exploring nature, travelling and spending time with my family and my furkids/dachshunds.

In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing healthcare in South Africa today, and how do you work to address it?

The biggest challenge is inequality in access to healthcare and the provision of affordable and good quality healthcare to all South Africans. I try to assist my patients to the best of my ability while trying to take into account their budget for medical expenses. 

Providing telehealth services also makes that goal much more achievable both in cutting costs and increasing accessability. 

How do you feel about AI in healthcare?

AI in healthcare can be of assistance in narrowing down diagnoses and in guiding steps to take when experiencing a medical concern. It cannot replace the intuition and experience of a trained healthcare professional.


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MBChB (cum laude) from the University of Pretoria

Additional Qualifications

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Diplomas in Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Sleep Management. Also a 4-year Diploma in Tourism and Travel management.

Services Offered

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Online/virtual General medical consultations for acute and chronic medical conditions, counselling and advice, anywhere in South Africa.

Sick Notes if medial deemed to require time off work

Digital Medical Records (access any time on your phone/device)

Pharmaceutical Prescriptions in minutes

Lab & Pathology Referrals in minutes

Special Interests

Family medicine, holistic/functional medicine, allergology, dermatology/aesthetic medicine, women's health, sleep health and healthcare technology.

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Western Cape, Online

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