I believe that many ailments can be prevented by healthy, active living and a good whole food diet included natural nutrients and a variety of fresh foods. I believe that the patient's should be involved in the decision-making process and have all of the options available to them when it could to their health and wellness. I take my time to explain their diagnosis and answer any questions that they may have. I have a holistic approach that focuses on evidence-based medicine and the latest research that I try to keep up to date with.

What do you believe is the most rewarding aspect of being a doctor?

Getting positive feedback from patients and helping them to feel better on their bad day. And getting a shy child to trust me to examine them and trust that I am there to help them. 

How would you describe your approach to patient care and communication?

I believe that the patient should be involved in the decision-making process and have all of the options available to them when it comes to their health and wellness. I take my time to explain their diagnosis and answer any questions that they may have. I have a holistic approach that focuses on evidence-based medicine and the latest research that I try to keep up to date with.  

How do you make the healthcare experience more comfortable for patients who may have anxiety or fear related to medical visits?

By having the option to have online or telephone consultations some patients feel more comfortable to seek medical help in the comfort of their own home and I am happy to be able to assist these patients with any of their medical needs from that capacity.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in your field?

I regularly register for online webinars and teaching sessions on the latest news about a variety of topics in the medical field. I attend conferences when the opportunity arises and use EMGuidance which keeps me up to date with evidence-based medicine.  

What do you believe sets your practice apart from others in your area?

Since I am a new mother living in a small town in the Klein Karoo, I recently decided to move my practice to my home so that I can be more present with my baby. I believe that is what makes my practice unique. My patients contact me to make an appointment to come to our farm where I can help them with their medical needs and provide care and services to my local community.

What's your philosophy on preventive care, and how do you work with patients to achieve it?

I believe that many ailments can be prevented by healthy, active living and a good whole food diet included natural nutrients and a variety of fresh foods. I encourage my patients to take the time to exercise regularly and I do my best to lead by example.

Apart from your profession, what hobbies or interests do you pursue?

I love being outdoors and spending time with my family and friends. Mealtimes are always a good opportunity to make healthy choices about what you put in your body, and I enjoy preparing those hearty meals with loved ones. Weekends are all about being outside and tending to the garden and spending time with friends and taking the time to step away from our busy schedules and slow down.

Can you share an example of a medical misconception you often encounter and correct for your patients?

You don't need antibiotics for the flu! Your body is able to tackle the virus that is making you feel down all you need is to give it a chance and drink plenty of fluids and rest and maybe just a bit of Panado to help for that headache. Do not rush for that script of antibiotics. There is a place for antibiotics, but they can sometimes do more harm than good if they are over-prescribed.  

In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing healthcare in South Africa today, and how do you work to address it?

Doctors in the Public Sector are overworked and burnt out. Primary Health Care and preventative strategies and educating and empowering patients to take ownership of their health needs to be focused on to decrease the burden on the Health Care Systems. 


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MBChB, 2019 Stellenbosch University

Additional Qualifications

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ACLS, PALS, Cancer Care

Services Offered

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Online/virtual General medical consultations for acute and chronic medical conditions, counselling and advice, anywhere in South Africa.

Sick Notes if medial deemed to require time off work

Digital Medical Records (access any time on your phone/device)

Pharmaceutical Prescriptions in minutes

Lab & Pathology Referrals in minutes

Special Interests

I am passionate about Primary Health Care and I encourage my patients to pursue a healthy lifestyle in order to optimize their wellbeing. I also enjoy child and women's health and I try to empower women to take ownership of their health. I like to keep my surgical skills sharp by preforming minor procedures and basic sutures for trauma cases that can occur regularly at the surrounding farms.

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De Rust Farm



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